
Making some thing(s) happen

Figuring out parts, materials, costs, and timelines, I have plenty of hands on experience taking ideas and making them reality. From a trade show booth for a denim brand, hair dryer tree/sculpture for a salon, lounge furniture for a fitting room , shipping containers that convert into a retail store, flat pack housewares fixtures to grow a business, enough promotional sign holders to fill a football field (yes, literally), the list goes on…

scroll down for a slideshow of work

austin fr 1.jpg

The slideshow above is a sample of projects such as a flat pack trade show booth, a hair dryer tree that was a must have in a Manhattan salon, a fitting room lounge in Austin Texas, a shipping container store that toured the United States, and the workshop created to support the brand identity of all North American Urban Outfitters stores.

A lot of hands were involved along the way and I’m incredibly thankful for all of them.



